Phd in Politics (2019 - 2024)
University of Manchester
Supervisors: Dr Martin Coward and Dr Andreja Zevnik
I investigated how and why alt-right conspiracy theories have been legitimised in online spaces. My main argument is that conspiracy theories conveying the belief that an idealised white/western identity is under attack have been legitimised through authoritative performance and visibility due to an affective dynamics that has prompted individuals to constitute themselves as intellectuals and "truth" seekers while also engaging in collaborative authorship.
Co-lead of the Research Cluster Democracy and Trust
(2021 - 2022)
University of Manchester
Principal investigator of MAFTI
Mapping the far-right truth industry
(04/2021 - now)
Independent research group

LSE100 Fellow
London School of Economics and
Political Science
World Politics since 1945
King's College London
Trust and Security
University of Manchester
Questions about International Politics
(09/2022 - 01/2023)
University of Manchester
GTA / Lecturer
Conspiracy Theories and Democracy
(01/2022 - 06/2023)
(01/2022 - 06/2022)
King's College London
MA Introduction to
Digital Culture and Society
(09/2021 - 01/2022)
King's College London
International Relations and Politics
(09/2020 - 01/2021)
University of Manchester
September 2019 - Now
Industry experience
Digital Assistant
(05/2021 - 08/2023)
Review of International Studies
As a digital assistant for the Journal Review of International Studies published by Cambridge University Press, I am responsible for building its online presence across different social media networks - Twitter (@RISjnl), and
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/RISjournal).
My tasks involve the production of social media content and the development of campaigns to engage internet users with its contents in a creative and effective way. In my first month in this position, the number of followers on Facebook increased by 8%.
Founder and CEO
(10/2018 - 01/2022)
Words Heal the World
Through the methodology called Educ-(ac)tion, I have equipped undergraduate and Master students from the UK, Brazil, and Argentina with knowledge and skills to challenge online hate speech and develop strategies to tackle different types of discrimination promoted by extremist ideologies. Under my supervision, around 30 students (per term) produced three short documentaries, developed social media campaigns, wrote articles, produced the report Hate Map of Brazil, and facilitated the workshop "From student to student: sharing skills to challenge hate" in Brazilian high schools."
Words Heal the World is a non-profit limited company registered in the UK (Registration number: 11601612).
For more information: https://www.wordshealtheworld.com

ECPR (09/2023)
Accepted paper: "The power of the alt-right multitude: how and why alt-right conspiracy theories have been legitimised in online spaces"
Council for European Studies 2022 (06/2022)
Accepted paper: ”Assessing The Risks To Democracy In The Digital Era: The Alt-Right Regimes Of 'Conspiratorial Truth'"
PSA 2023 (04/2023)
Political Studies Association
Accepted paper: "When the monster aims at consolidating white, western, and masculine supremacy: the alt-right multitude"
PSA 2022 (04/2022)
Political Studies Association
Accepted paper: ”From 'stigmatized' to 'legitimate' knowledge: the Alt-Right Regimes of 'Conspiratorial Truth'”
BISA 2022 (06/2022)
British International Studies Association
Accepted paper: "The dangerous impact of the digitalisation of international politics: the Alt-Right Regimes of 'Conspiratorial Truth'"
TECH 2018 Transforming Education Conference for Humanity (11/2018)
UNESCO MGIEP - Vizag, India
Presented paper: “Challenging extremism through educ-(ac)tion: how students can break the vicious circle of hate”
ISA 2022 (03/2022)
International Studies Association
Accepted paper: ”Examining power in network societies: the importance of transdisciplinarity to understand digital political phenomena”
2023: WHEN (Women’s Higher Education Network) - 100 Black Women Professors Now
2022: Center of Discourse Studies
Forum on Information and Democracy
Political Studies Association (PSA)
British International Studies Association (BISA)
International Studies Association (ISA)